One of the most basic aspects of business is differentiating your company from its competitors. The pandemic introduced a new twist, competing not only on products, service, and price but now also the ability to safeguard your workers and customers. My technology can make it markedly safer to be at work than at home (and for those interested, I can equally protect home occupants).
As the accompanying video discusses, COVID-19 can trigger debilitating long-term problems, such as “brain fog” and even intellectual deterioration resulting in significant measurable decreases in IQ. Stating the obvious, businesses are less competitive when their workers are hobbled by physical and mental exhaustion that can linger long after the acute infection.
The best business leaders will therefore capitalize on this opportunity to distance themselves from competitors. It doesn't suffice to recommend or mandate masks because those commonly worn are not very effective and their long list of drawbacks should leave everyone hungering for a better solution. My technology provides exactly that.
Something to ponder: Imagine if your business had my technology and your competitors did not. People who preferred Brand A's burger and fries might decide that their marginal preference for them did not offset the risk of dining in a restaurant without reliably safe air.
My technology has the potential to create new winners — those offering it — and new losers: those led by executives who think that what was good enough yesterday is good enough today. Clearly not.
Bars, restaurants, and commercial gyms exemplify some of the many types of businesses especially impacted by the pandemic. Every crisis is an opportunity to leave competitors in the dust with better solutions drawing more customers.
The greatest fortunes were made by those who spotted opportunities before others. In the past few decades, computers and the Internet made some people fabulously wealthy, but the low-hanging fruit is gone. Moreover, the world doesn't need another messaging app or social networking site. This pandemic manifested the imperative to address real-world problems with real-world products.
People love entertainment and fancy stuff but the most basic need and want is the desire to live and be healthy. As an investor commercializing my novel technology to combat the novel coronavirus that isn't adequately controlled by masks, social distancing, vaccines, and everything else, business executives desperate to protect their workers and customers will eagerly embrace solutions making it safer than ever before for people to live their lives unfettered by restrictions and fear.
One of the foremost goals of education is to teach students how to solve problems. The accompanying video should be seen by every student and educator because it provides a good example of thinking scientifically and logically to creatively solve a major problem.
Another point: administrators are responsible for ensuring the safety of students, so they should do whatever they can to foster that goal. Extensive data proves beyond any doubt that masks, social distancing, and vaccines are not adequately controlling the pandemic. My technology adds another layer of protection making attendance safer than ever, eliminating the need to close schools or to risk student and teacher deaths.
Politicians and regulators
“The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.”
— John Foster Dulles
Anyone in control can enforce laws and regulations. What differentiates superb leaders from others is their ability to solve challenging problems. This pandemic provides a great opportunity for leaders to shine by helping introduce new technology that is considerably more effective than masks, social distancing, and vaccines, all of which have problems with performance, reliability, and compliance. Moreover, they have become divisive, pitting American against American and brother against sister. Most people use masks that are not very effective and are so unpleasant they are often skipped or worn ineffectively. The world wasn't built for social distancing, and people crave closeness, not separation. Scientists have both lab and real-world evidence that 6 feet is not enough, and that was before the highly infectious Delta variant burst our bubble of optimism, spreading like wildfire and rendering current vaccines less protective. As bad as Delta is, it surely won't be the last nightmarish variant. Experts fear that future ones could be even worse, potentially killing a substantial fraction of the world's population.
“You are always too late with a development if you are so slow that people demand it before you yourself recognize it. The research department should have foreseen what was necessary and had it ready to a point where people never knew they wanted it until it was made available to them.”
— Charles F. Kettering (source)
The best leaders see problems before they develop and prevent them. Anyone can spot a problem after it develops. The Delta variant now provides compelling reasons to implement my technology that can make the world safer than ever before in terms of shielding us from airborne infectious diseases and air pollution.
Incidentally, I haven't forgotten about diseases transmitted by contact, so I previously (pre-pandemic) developed technology to reduce that risk without handwashing or use of hand sanitizers, all of which have drawbacks limiting their utilization. My goal was to introduce a way to clean hands in less than a second without soap, water, a sink, and paper towel or hand sanitizer. Another goal was to make that technology portable so people are protected wherever they go and can instantly clean their hands whenever needed, such as before touching a patient. I achieved both objectives but put that innovation on the back burner when this pandemic struck because I quickly realized that it was primarily transmitted through the air, not by contact (example: the CDC reported that “the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection …”). However, contact transmission occurs in many infectious diseases.
The world is beset by many lingering problems that past leaders have failed to adequately resolve. You can stand out by doing what they did not: by solving major problems in impressive ways. I can also help you sparkle by solving problems beyond the pandemic because I have novel solutions to several other pressing problems. When you see what I've developed, you will realize that it provides practical ways to make the world a better place.
Everyone is a stakeholder in this pandemic
Rich or poor, urban or rural, left or right, in the United States or elsewhere — it doesn't matter: this pandemic affects everyone, everywhere. Too many of us have fragmented into bickering camps but we should unite against the common enemy, the virus. That was difficult when masks, social distancing, and vaccines failed to control the pandemic, but my technology provides novel ways to quickly suppress it.
Mask and vaccine mandates
I am not anti-vaccine or anti-mask; as I discuss in the video, very early in the pandemic I contacted the local hospital and strongly encouraged them to utilize masks, and they strongly resisted, following not science or logic but the crowd that was then following leaders downplaying the importance of airborne transmission in this pandemic.
One of the requisites for innovation is an ability to connect the dots: to see things before others do. In this case, I looked at the available evidence and concluded beyond any doubt that it was primarily transmitted via the air and largely spread by infected individuals with trivial or no symptoms. I knew that even constant handwashing does nothing to block airborne transmission. I also knew that 6 feet wasn't enough and conducted experiments to prove that beyond any doubt. In subsequent months, scientists published extensive research corroborating my conclusions, and real-world case studies supplied additional evidence that 6 feet separation is simply not enough.
I realized all of this before the pandemic struck the United States and understood that it would be disastrous, so I immediately focused on generating dozens of innovations to safeguard people; this website and the accompanying video discusses one of the operational principles, but the devices implementing this technology also utilize other principles and offer advantages that transcend protection from infectious diseases, thus further incentivizing their utilization.
With that as a long preface, I am not anti-mask; I understand their usefulness in limiting transmission of airborne infectious diseases. Consequently, I am astounded when experts initially discouraged mask utilization and eventually relented but — even now — failed to adequately emphasize the importance of highly effective masks as opposed to ones that are largely perfunctory.
The initial recommendation by experts for the general public to avoid masks was motivated by a desire to ensure an adequate supply for healthcare workers. That was advisable yet simultaneously a major mistake because rather than being instructed to not wear masks or eventually to pretend that any fabric is adequate, I knew that common fabrics vary widely in their filtering ability. Consequently, in two days, he designed and built a device to scientifically test fabric filtering performance and innovated ways to substantially improve that efficacy.
He had a hunch of how to markedly boost it even further but initially couldn't quantitate (put a number on) the performance increment, so he scoured the scientific literature and eventually found old (pre-pandemic) NASA research detailing how they improved air quality in spacecraft. That principle could be used everywhere, from the mask on your face to filters in your HVAC system and car. Surprisingly, NASA seemingly forgot about that research and didn't realize its relevance to this pandemic.
I utilized that information in conjunction with experiments and innovations that provided better ways to purify air, sometimes without using any filter media whatsoever — a topic for another discussion. As he rapidly connected the dots, he was dismayed that when experts finally recommended common fabrics as a way to preserve N95 masks for healthcare workers, the two alternatives they specifically mentioned — bandana and scarf — were two of the worst possible choices!
I knew that my testing device analyzing fabric performance was the scientific way to approach this problem: not guessing at what might work but testing common fabrics to find the best ones. Months later, other researchers published evidence that combinations of certain common fabrics could provide performance that rivaled and sometimes exceeded that of N95 masks.
This provides a good example of thinking logically and creatively to solve the problem, but I knew that we needed something markedly more effective and reliable, so he developed other innovations to safeguard people. The video demonstrates one of the primary operational principles.
Mask mandates and public pressure to utilize masks is premised on their ability to reduce germ transmission. My technology is substantially more effective and does not require individual cooperation, thus protecting people even if they choose to forgo masks and vaccines.
Thus I wonder: if masks and vaccines are mandated, why not mandate my technology? It doesn't have any of the many drawbacks of masks, and can be even more protective than vaccines.
Mandating COVID-19 vaccines: why not other mandates?
The United States federal government is currently asserting authority to impose COVID-19 vaccine mandates for companies with 100 or more employees, justifying that because they would protect people and save lives. True, yet if this principle were legally valid:
- Why don't they mandate COVID-19 vaccines for companies with fewer employees?
- Why don't they mandate COVID-19 vaccines for every eligible American and others in the USA (legal residents and illegal aliens)?
- Why don't they mandate influenza, meningitis, and all other life-saving vaccines?
- Why don't they mandate my technology? It is considerably more effective than COVID-19 vaccines in preventing transmission.
- Why don't they mandate that employees avoid processed and restaurant food? Justification: such food commonly includes substances that impair health in general and immunity in particular, such as the preservative tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ or tBHQ), which is often not specifically listed as an ingredient). TBHQ impairs defense against viral infections and the response to vaccination (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). The most visible health “experts” act as if only vaccines affect immunity. Wrong.
- Why don't they mandate that employees consume only healthy foods?
- Why don't they mandate that employees avoid smoke inhalation, such as from smoking and wood-burning fireplaces and stoves? Smoke inhalation causes or contributes to numerous health problems and specifically increases the risk and severity of respiratory diseases.
- Why don't they mandate that employees avoid gasoline-powered leaf blowers, lawnmowers, and other equipment with engines emitting toxic pollution?
- Why don't they mandate that employees utilize the best possible air filters? Air quality strongly influences physical and mental health.
- Why don't they mandate that employees exercise vigorously for at least 30 minutes four or more times per week? Researchers found that augments immunity.
- Why don't they mandate that employees obtain enough exercise to stay in shape and avoid obesity? Obesity is a grave threat to health.
- Why don't they mandate that employees obtain eight hours of good-quality sleep? If the sleep police visited homes, they would find that almost everyone does things that impair sleep quality. If the health police visited homes and followed people wherever they go, they would discover that 100% of people do things that adversely affect health and fail to do countless things conducive to health.
- Why don't they mandate that employees follow thousands of other tips conducive to health? The list of do's and don'ts includes many conducive not only to physical health but all facets of mental health, including intelligence, creativity, mood, mental focus, mental stamina, productivity, and empathy.
“Why is the human skull as dense as it is? Nowadays we can send a message around the world in one-seventh of a second, but it takes years to drive an idea through a quarter-inch of human skull.”
— Charles F. Kettering (source)